
About Agriculture with Nuru Assosication

2021-12-12 00:00:th DRC

Agriculture is arguably the most important for Africa as a creator of employment opportunities, contribution to export revenues and to food security. The most vulnerable sector to climate change and land degradation, a relationship made worse through dependency on industrial agriculture. Agriculture alone can't change without the transformation of food systems more broadly, which is why this portfolio incorporates other food system actors. The transformation of food systems has the potential to also improve food security, increase employment opportunities and reduce the sector's impact on climate change and biodiversity loss. Africa has immense biodiversity and natural ecosystems, which provide countless services to the continent. Farms are , however , part of broader and diverse system of how food is produced and consumed. Our current food systems are vulnerable to shocks like COVID19 and climate change. They are also failing on several key sustainable development goals. Mere reforms in food systems have not had the desired effect of reducing food and nutrition insecurity , which is why food system transformation is required. Africa rich variety in biomes provides its population with an incredible number of services. These ecosystems are however threatened by a myriad of factors that ultimately reduce society's ability to bounce-back after environmental or economic shocks

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